Prophesy 2012


Looking at many different views of Predictions and Prophesies, and examining different opinions and ideas.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

The Oracle Sibyl - Prophesies

The Oracle Sibyl lived in Naples, Rome during the sixth century BC. In Greek, Sibylla means, Prophetess. She received great respect as an Oracle. Many leaders and generals would seek her advice. The scrolls that contained her predictions were kept in the Temple of Jupiter.

• She predicted the rise of Pope Constantine. She predicted this 800 years before he was born and by his name.
• The period of the Golden Age. She predicts the coming of Jesus 25 years before his birth. This was possibly her greatest prediction and was taken to heart by many Christians. Michelangelo even gave her a place of great honor by painting an image of her in the Sistine Chapel. Actually, Michelangelo painted five sibyls in the Sistine Chapel ceiling: the Delphic Sibyl, Libyan Sibyl, Persian Sibyl, Cumaean Sibyl and the Erythraean Sibyl
• She predicted the invasion of Italy by Hannibal in the sixth century.
Her predictions were incredibly accurate, which is a disturbing thought for her future predictions.
Future Prophesies:
• According to Sibyl the world would only last ten generations. Each generation lasts 800 years and we are living in the last generation. This generation would be destroyed by war and fire.

“These things in the tenth generation shall come to pass. The earth shall be shaken by a great earthquake that throws mat cities into the sea. There shall be war. Fires shall come flashing forth from the heavens, and many cities burn. Black ashes shall fill the great sky. Then know the anger of the Gods.”
She originally wrote her predictions on oak leaves that were later transcribed. She would make her predictions in a cave which was near fault lines that run through Rome. Gases would be emitted from the faults which would cause a person to hallucinate. Naturally, this causes many to scrutinize her predictions. Yet, many of her predictions came to pass.

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