Prophesy 2012


Looking at many different views of Predictions and Prophesies, and examining different opinions and ideas.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Iroquois Prophecy 2012 and the End of Days

Iroquois Prophecy 2012
“The time will come when there will be no corn, when nothing will grow in the garden, when water will be filthy and unfit to drink. A great monster will rise up from the water and destroy mankind. One of the names of that monster is "the sickness that eats you up inside."

A sign that the end of the world is near is when the trees start dying from the tops down.

Handsome Lake

Handsome Lake was an Iroquois Teacher and Prophet born in 1735 in the Seneca Village of Conewaugus, which is near Avon, New York. He was raised by the Turtle Clan people, and they called him, Sedwa’gowa’ne which means "Our Great Teacher.”
  • He created the Code which outlawed drunkenness, quarreling, witchcraft, sexual promiscuity, wife beating, and gambling. Handsome Lake told the Iroquois that if his message wasn’t followed that fire would destroy the world. Many Iroquois continue to practice this Code. He had a vision and saw four angels, coming from the four directions. They told him what would happen, how there would be unknown diseases.
"You will see many tears in this country. Then a great wind will come, a wind that will make a hurricane seem like a whisper. It will cleanse the earth and return it to its original state. That will be the punishment for what we've done to the Creation."
Mad Bear Anderson
Mad Bear Anderson, is a legend in the world of Native American Medicine. He is a member of the Tuscarora tribe of the Iroquois Nation.
  • Mad Bear Anderson had a vision that there were three staffs. They had a White and Red Serpent that shared the same tail. The White Serpent represented America and the Red Serpent represented the Soviet Union. These two serpents would fight until “the rivers boiled and the fish turned up dead” During this battle, the Red Man would be returned to their country and they would again smoke tobacco and return to their ways. Then the Black Serpent represent Muslim Nations would come out of the ocean and wrestle and defeat both the White and Red Serpents. He would leave the Iroquois Nation alone because of the great light of, Deganawidth the great teacher of the Northeastern Indian people. The Black Serpent would return to the ocean.
The prophesy means that the Soviet Union and American Serpents would battle over nuclear dominance using other countries to do their bidding. Then the Muslim Serpents comes into the battle, and this serpent controls the world’s oil. The Muslims are considered Holy Warriors and so the other serpents will be defeated.

The Muslims have already defeated the United States in Lebanon and The Soviets in Afghanistan. The world is constantly battling over oil. The world has grown overly dependent on oil and the Muslim countries hold the power. Is the world entering into the second part of this prophesy?

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