Prophesy 2012


Looking at many different views of Predictions and Prophesies, and examining different opinions and ideas.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Islam, Muslim, Muhammad and the Killing of Infidels

To the Muslims, Muhammad was the greatest prophet. He possessed all virtues and reached the highest level of perfection. Muhammad was the founder of the Muslim Religion, the Religion of Islam. They believe he actually restored the religion of Adam, Abraham, Moses, and Jesus. He was born in 570 AD and died June 8, 632. There are approximately 1.57 million Muslims in the world. Islam means, ‘Peace acquired by submission to the will of God'.
Imams and clerics of Islam have declared a Holy Jihad “Holy War” against the infidels of the world. By killing an infidel they are assured of a place in heaven.
Yet, Islam is against killing any one without justice. It rejects the killing of innocent people regardless of their religion or beliefs. What about the terrorists and al-Qaeda, Osama bin Laden, and 9/11?
Qur’an 5:32
... whoever slays a soul, unless it be for murder or for mischief in the land, it is as though he slew entire mankind; and whoever keeps it alive, it is as though he kept entire mankind alive; ...
However, Muhammad did command Muslims to kill ‘infidels’ from amongst the polytheists. The Christians and Jews belong to the monotheistic faith would be fought until they became submissive to the Muslims. They would be given a period of time to accept that Muhammad was the true messenger of God.
In the Qur’an Muslims must believe in God, his revelations, his angels, his messengers, and in "the Day of Resurrection “Yawm al-Qiyāmah” and the Yawm ad-Din "Day of Judgment."
The time and the hour for the ends day is not known, but there will be four minor and six major signs the will indicate the time draws near.

Muhammad’s Warning
“Whoever hears about the coming of Ad-Dajjal should stay away from him because by Allah, a man could come to him thinking of himself a strong believer but then he will follow Ad-Dajjal because of the doubts he will spread.”
Ad-Dajjal will perform miracles to deceive mankind. He will appear between the cities of Iraq and Syria, and will have full power and control over the entire earth. He will cause rain to fall in drought ridden areas and crops will grow. He will usher in a new religion and those that choose not to accept his false doctrine will suffer starvation and other horrors. In his last days, he will cut a young man in half with a sword; and the two pieces will be placed at a distance between an archer and his target. Then Ad-Dajjal will call the young man and he will run to him laughing. This is when Allah sends Isa and Jesus. He will find Ad-Dajjal at the Gate of Ludd. There will be a violent battle and Isa will win.
Most religions tell us the end of time is fast approaching. Many worry how it will end and who will end it. Science even accepts and tells us the end of mans existence on earth is inevitable. The questions arise on when, where, how, who, and why.
• Will it be December 21, 2012? Will it affect the entire world, and if it does, will we be annihilated instantly?
• How many different ways could the world end?
• Who will have the power to destroy the earth?
• Will it be outside forces or forces from within? Then there’s the ever pending question-Why?
• Has man ruined any future because of sin, or will his neglect and abuse of the planet end his existence?
• In the history of the world all creatures, even plant life, surrendered to extinction. The planet itself will survive - No Matter What Happens to Us.

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